Production Sharing Agreement Example

A production sharing agreement (PSA) is a contract that outlines the terms between a government and a private company to explore and exploit the country`s natural resources. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what a production sharing agreement is, its purpose, and an example of how it works.

What is a Production Sharing Agreement?

A production sharing agreement (PSA) is a legal contract between a government and a private company that allows the company to explore and extract the country`s natural resources, such as oil and gas. The agreement specifies the terms, rights, and obligations of the company in exploiting the resources.

The purpose of a production sharing agreement is to allow the government to retain ownership of the natural resources while providing incentives for private companies to invest in exploration and production. This arrangement benefits both parties by generating revenue for the government and providing profit for the private company.

Example of a Production Sharing Agreement

Let`s take a hypothetical example of a production sharing agreement between a government and an oil exploration company.

The government of Country A has discovered a potential oil field offshore in its waters. However, the government does not have the resources or expertise to extract the oil themselves. So, they invite private companies to bid for a production sharing agreement to explore and extract the oil.

Oil Exploration Company X wins the bid and enters into a production sharing agreement with the government of Country A. The agreement specifies that the company will invest all the necessary resources in exploring and extracting oil from the field. The company will also pay a percentage of the revenue generated to the government as a royalty.

The production sharing agreement also outlines the terms of how the costs of exploration and production will be shared between the company and the government. For instance, the company will bear the upfront costs of exploration, drilling, and production. However, the government will not have to pay anything until the oil is extracted and sold.

Once the oil is extracted, the company will sell it and pay a percentage of the revenue to the government as royalty. The percentage of the royalty paid by the company to the government is typically defined in the production sharing agreement. This revenue generated from the royalty is then used by the government to support social and economic development programs.


In summary, a production sharing agreement is a legal contract that allows private companies to explore and extract a country`s natural resources while providing the government with revenue from a royalty. It`s a mutually beneficial partnership between a government and a private company that ensures the country`s natural resources are used responsibly and sustainably.

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